Boosting Learning By Doing What They Love
Whilst my students might initially struggle with writing, they have a whole range of other skills that can come together to enhance their learning.
Whilst my students might initially struggle with writing, they have a whole range of other skills that can come together to enhance their learning.
Tutoring shouldn't be like school. It should be a fun way to boost your child's skills with games and activities that put them at the heart of the lesson. When they're enjoying the learning and feel like they're making progress, your child's confidence will grow before they know it. The hardest part for them will be having to put their...
You might have noticed that your child has lots of brilliant ideas but finds it difficult to start writing. In this case, your child could benefit from a tutor that will share a good selection of stories to inspire their plan, and give them time to draw their ideas (this is a great stepping stone from their thoughts to their writing). ...
I saw him wincing as he wrote his first line of ideas. "Does it hurt when you write?" I asked. "Of course," Sam replied. He believed that handwriting was a painful activity they made you do at school.
Years ago, when I was just starting out as a tutor, I got a very strange phone call.
Parents often ask me how they can encourage their child to read more. So, today I thought I'd share with you my five top tips:
Starting school can be exciting but it can also be scary for some children.
The national curriculum is one big memory test. That's great for people with good memories but is it real learning? How much of what you learned at school can you remember today?
This week's TEACH ME TUESDAY is about how the news can help boost young people's literacy. I know we're all 'newsed out' at the moment, but this is a fun activity that can have some really positive developments.